
8 september 2008 - Sun City, Arizona, Verenigde Staten

Hello my friends!

I've been a terrible blogger the last weeks, but that is only because I've experienced so much that I just couldn't keep up with it. I've seen a lot of places since I left camp and most off all, I've met a lot of people! That was very very interesting, I sure am living an amazing summer. It also is intense and goes fast, sometimes I feel that my body is going faster then my mind. I think that when I get home everything has to progress. So sometimes I don't even get things straight in my own head, so writing on my weblog is sometimes a little to much.

But well, right now I am in Sun City, Arizona, at my grandparent's house. They are lovely, take good care of me and especially my grandpa talks a lot :) gives me good advizes of course. Today me and grandma went to a comedyplay, yesterday I got a drive tour trough Phoenix and a lovely pedicure. And tomorrow I will go to the Grand Canyon! Whoehoe!

In San Diego I've met my father, John Michael, after about 16 years. That was very emotional and intense for me, but also good and I am glad did it. We talked a lot and got to knew each other a little better. We went to the world famous San Diego Zoo togheter and at his house we had a potluck with all of his housemates.

After SD I went to San Francisco, we're I got picked up by the Ansel family. This is the family of Loken, which is my mom's ex husband. I've met them 10 years ago when they visited us in Hoorn. I thought that they didn't changed a lot. They have 2 girls, Kalika and Misha, who are 22 and 18. The friday I arrived I had a sour throath and I spend a while in a free clinic, because I wanted a doctor to take a look if I hadn't a tonsil infection. Luckly that wasn't the case and I had to continue with gargling, taking extra vitamin C (which I had started doing while being in SD) and take iboprofen 4 times a day. I was starting to feel that the travelling and my throat made me tired. So we hade a nice relaxed weekend, they showed me around a bit in SF, I saw some redwood trees! we went bowling and spend some time in the house.

The other 2 days I had left in the bay area I went to Berkeley, I walked around with Kalika and later I had dinner with a very nice lady, Jeannie, my mom met trough the internet. I spend 2 nights in  a hostel, 1 downtown near Union Square and another near Fisherman's Wharf with a beautiful  view over the Golden Gate Bridge.  I took a grate touristic bus tour which gave me a good uppertunity to see a lot of the city.

Then I headed off to Grass Valley, by train, in the north east of California. There I stayed with Dominique, she is my little brothers mom. But as most of you all know, my brother doesn't live with her nore with JM. Dominique really made me feel welcome and I got some rest there. She was really wonderfull and we had some nice talks. She has 2 children and a new husband. Her daughter was away for college    ..

to be continued


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2 Reacties

  1. katinka van hall:
    8 september 2008
    HOI mELISSA, NOG EVEN EN sAAR ZIT OOK IN New York. Wat zie en ervaar je veel. Ziet er allemaal prachtig uit en jij ziet er ook goed uit, ondanks je vermoeidheid. Je blog helpt je misschien later weer met alles op een rijtje te zetten en te verwerken. Wat goed dat iedereen zo aardig is en je zoveel laten zien. Nog veel fijne dagen in New York en goede vlucht home.
  2. N O E S:
    10 september 2008
    HEY Melissa!!! supercool al die fotos......wat een prachtige ervaring hè, 't zal wel weer raar zijn in The Netherlands wanneer je terugkomt, zo stil en klein.
    Was nieuwsgierig of er ook een foto van je vader op stond...wel tof dat je m gezien hebt, uiteindelijk.
    See You Soon Honey X
    ps. hier gebeuren ook allerlei prachtige 'dingen' maar dat zal ik je persoonlijk in geuren en kleuren gaan vertellen!!!!