4th of july!

4 juli 2008 - Lincoln City, Oregon, Verenigde Staten

So I got to experience one of America's most popular holidays, Independence Day!

I tought it was interesting to finally experience it because I know it out of the Hollywood movies.

On the 3th of july they also have fireworks in Lincoln City, so i went to watch it with Chris, he also works at camp, but he is not a counsellor. We went to this place called Fisherman's Rock, which has a lovely view over the ocean and is pretty high. There were some other groups of people and we sat dine with a blanket and some wine. Unfortunately, it was really foggy so we couldn't see any firewor and we ended up just falling a sleep and listening to music up there. The next day we went to a parade in Lincoln City, it was pretty lame and full of advertising but that also made it funny.

At night Chris had to work and his friend Andrew picked me up and we went to a bbq of some of his friends. They were really american dudes haha I enjoyed it.

Then we went to another friends' house and he lived on an open spot in the middle of a forest with his family, they build their house

themselves and it was absolutely gorgeous! They had a big yard and a lot of food and the family was so nice and they played music by the fire. Amazing, I was speechless by they beauty, the warmth and the simplicity of it.

Then we all went to Neskowin beach and there where over 50 little campfires all spread ed out over the beach which made it look like a magic world and everyone was shooting firework. We also made a fire and had another jam session and

I made a start on how to play the gitar.

I really enjoy that people are so open, free, chill, leadback and generous here. I feel comfortable with that lifestyle and I think Dutch people can learn something out of that!


2 Reacties

  1. katinka van hall:
    8 juli 2008
    Na die moeilijke inwerktijd heb je het nu erg leuk, als ik je berichten lees.Wordt het toch nog een bijzondere tijd. Hier vandaag de hele dag regen, dus je mist niets, behalve Saar die haar rijexamen heeft gehaald.Daar kan geen regen tegemoet. Leuk je snachts even gesproken te hebben!
  2. Lucienne, moekskie:
    10 juli 2008
    He bokkie. wat leuk dat je het nu zo naar je zin hebt." He he daar kunnen de dutchies wat van leren." How about your "laid back guitar playing Moeksie"!? Denk erom hoor!! Snap je nu een beetje waarom ik nooit heb kunnen aarden in West Friesland?
    Dat nuchtere "doe maar gewoon dan doe je gek genoeg" en dan die jeugd die alleen maar zuipt of snuift! Nou ja zuipen kan jij ook wat van.
    Nee maar effe serieus, ik begrijp dat je het daar heel er naar je zin hebt, maar vergeet niet dat ik ook in de US gewoond heb en dat het een hard land is om te overleven. Veel werken, weinig vakantie, een van de rijkste landen van de wereld met zeer slechte sociale voorzieningen en miljoenen mensen leven in armoede en zonder ziektekostenverzekering. Don't forget that girl!
    Liefs je moeks.